Journal 5

1. Has your image of Jesus changed during the project? How or Why not?

This project has not really changed my image of Jesus only how it gets looked through. I can see surreal art like Salvador Dali and proper work like Leonardo Di Vinci.

2. What do you feel is the best way to portray an image of Jesus and why?

I think there are two ways to portray Jesus. In my opinioin the best way is the Jesus on the cross suffering for our sins because its shows what he has done for us. The second way is to be healing people because it shows the immence power of God

3. What have you enjoyed about the project so far and what would you do differently?

I have enjoyed looking at all the wierd and wonderful ways that things like the crucifix can be expressed. Things such as The Crucifix by salvador Dali and one by Bellini.

Journal 4

1) What form of medium (music, art or literature ) allows you to best connect with Jesus and Why

I find art the best median for me to connect to Jesus because firstly I am a visual person and paintings say more than 1000 words


3) How is Jesus portrayed at Parramatta Marist?

Jesus is portrayed throughtout the whole school by the lovingness of fellow peers and teacchers.

4) What artistic time period do you think best represents your image of Jesus and why?

My art work is all about Jesus today so it would have to be contemporary

5) What factors currently shape your image of Jesus and why.

Factors that show my image of Jesus is Love, togetherness and compassion

Journal 3

1) What words and or images come to mind when you hear the word Jesus.

Some of the words and that come to my mind are compassionate, loving and jesus hugging children and healing people. But I also think suffering and the crucifix

2) Why might it be important for young people to identify with an image of Jesus?

It is important for CHRISTIAN youth to identify the image of Jesus because all the images show a characteristic of Him and show the young people who their christ is

3) Where in your life do you most associate with images of Jesus?

I assiociate Jesus in every part of my life. In school spiritual and social life Jesus can take part of.

Journal 2

1. How many rubrics are there for this project?

There are two rubrics for this project an indivisual and a group rubric 

2. Describe the purpose of the rubric?

The purpose of the rubric is to tell us how and what we need to do in order to complete the set task. Also it shows the distibution of marks.

3. How can you use the rubric to get the best possible mark?

The first thing you should do is read the rubric. Check how many of the selected part you need to do for example how many journals than start completing them keeping in mind words like excellently and above average.

Journal 1

1. List TWO problems that could occur from students selecting their own groups.

 One of the problems is that you would only pick your friends and never do any work and end up to never do any work and will reflect against their marks. Another reason is that people could feel left out

2. Which type of student do you think would be selected first?

Either the popular or the smart ones

3. Why do you think they were selected first?

For the popular child people would like to be with him because they want a laugh and to be with someone they like. For the smarter child more people would want to be with him because they woud get good marks

4. Which type of student do you was selected last?

The least popular student would have been selected last

5. What beneficial characteristics can you offer to your group?

I am good in the art type stuff and also good for organisation and presentation. I make things look more apealing.

6. List THREE things you personally would like to improve on during this project.